Top 10 Favorite Pinterest Finds of 2013
None of the photos are mine. The credit goes to the link provided.
10. So, I had to make these 3 times in 1 week, as they kept getting gobbled up by my family, and of course, me. EASY ~ delicious, and fun!
9. My mom used this for the entire year, and asked for another one this year. I made a few modifications, added a notes side bar, so she could write down appointments etc. We used card stock, glue sticks and printed photos on photo paper. Any present that gets used for a whole year is a big WIN! (link An ounce of creativity ~Tutorial: 2011 Star desktop calendar )
8. Brilliant. Just needs no explanation. Do it. a solution for bottles and travel mugs! obviously this is not the original post - but, again, needs no tutorial.
This is great - no more searching for water bottles, no more avalanche of bottles from the cabinet. Best $7 I've spent for a shoe rack (not my photo)
7. Organizing my kids school work (and other "What do I do with this" stuff) Destination Domestication: Boxes I store them in my walk in closet, and about once a month take a pile up and put in the boxes. My best guess at the end of 1st grade we will have to start a new box, or I'll have to sift through and see what I can thin out. I even started one for my husband and I.
6. This idea, from rainbow themed birthday partyDomestic Goddesque I used this for my oldest birthday party, and the kids thought it was AWESOME that they got to take home balloons. I loved it because I didn't have to deal with all the leftover balloons floating around my house!
3. NO more begging your kids to eat "just a few more bights" We've used this trick quite often.
Dice as Vegetable Counter
Decide how many more bites of dinner your child has to eat before being excused. Let your child roll so he’s the one controlling his fate. You'll end up with a more peas-ful family meal.
Collette Mather
Teaneck, New Jersey
Collette Mather
Teaneck, New Jersey
Thank you for including my desktop calendar tutorial into your Top 10! That is a great post!