
Half HamBurger / Half VegBurger

 Be Sneaky!

I was craving a black bean burger, but there is NO way my husband and kids would go for that.

At first I thought I'd sneak in some finely chopped veggies.  Then it became a full on Veggie Burger Invasion.

I chopped up some mini peppers (orange, yellow and red)
Then I added 2 tablespoons of Taco Seasoning.
I used the food processor to chop up half a can of black beans (after I rinsed them)

add it all to half a pound of super lean ground beef.
make into sliders.
Cook in olive oil over medium high heat until crisp (see above)

Then ~ oh then ~ 
wrap them up in a nice little package of Crescent Rolls.
It's such a nice package.
**It is so exciting when a recipe is perfection.**

Bake according to the crescent roll package.
Enjoy a tasty tasty treat. Everyone in my family gobbled these down!

1/2 Pound Ground Beef
1/2 Can black beans (rinsed)
3-4 mini peppers
2 tbsp taco seasoning
use food processor to mince peppers, move to bowl, add seasoning. use food processor again for black beans - 2-3 pulses only. Mix with ground beef and peppers and form into palm size or slider size burgers pinch centers to prevent puffing.
2 tablespoons olive oil for cooking burgers
cook burgers 2 - 3 minutes on each side until slightly crisp.  Try one, but stop at one!  :)
1 can of Crescent Rolls
Wrap cooked burgers in crescent rolls in desired shape.  Bake according to package directions.

Have for breakfast the next day.
Then for lunch.
Then wish you had made many many more.


Sweet Potato Pancakes

Sweet Potato Pancakes - ways to use sweet potatoes

Put a medium sweet potato in the microwave 4 minutes (or until soft)
Get the rest ready while it cooks then cools a bit

Dry Ingredients
1 Cup flour (any kind, whole wheat, all purpose, pastry)
1/2 cup quick oats
4 tbsp Flaxseed meal
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp cardamon (or cinnamon)
couple dashes cloves
couple dashes nutmeg
1 tbsp sugar (yes that is all you need)
Whisk together

Wet Ingredients
1 1/2 cup skim milk
1 egg (large or 2 small)
about 2 tsp vanilla
Whisk together
Pour into dry ingredients
combine until all wet then STOP - if you mix too much you'll have tough pancakes

Mash sweet potato with about 1/4 cup milk (want it slightly damp) Mash it good.
Dump into pancake mix (which has now had time to activate all the baking soda/powder) mix in

use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to pour pancakes on to 350 degree griddle or cook on stove top on a flat ish pan.

2 - 3 minutes per side. (when the bubbles are immense and the edges look dryish FLIP!)

drizzle a little teensy bit of syrup  on top and enjoy one of the healthiest breakfasts you can.
Flaxseed meal REPLACES oil - adds fiber and a bag will last forever - sugar is not necessary because you'll be putting syrup in top

Freeze them or refrigerate 

You're getting protein, fiber, omegas, beta carateen, etc..
My kids love these and also enjoy helping me make them.

 Pinterest and I have been great partners the last few weeks. Oh my GOD this was delicious~ my 8 year old said "I am mad this is so...